Availability: In Stock

Prolynx – Car Transceiver – PL-2000


Key Features

  • Cover 144/430 MHz four transmitting bands
  • Wide band AM receiving and FM receiving for 108-180MHz, 134-174MHz, 350-520MHz
  • Independent controls for each left and right band
  • V+U simultaneous receive capability
  • Built-in V+U cross-band repeater and full duplex capability
  • 800 memory channels and independent setting per channel
  • 50W of high power output for VHF band and 40W for UHF band
  • Standard 50 groups of CTCSS tone and 104 groups of DCS code
  • User-defined CTCSS tone & DCS code capabiliity
  • DTMF / 2-Tone / 5-Tone for selective calling
  • Voice compander and encryption scramble
  • Automatic Repeater Shift (ARS)
  • Detachable front controller and remote mounting capability
  • Ultra-size LCD dual display screen
  • User-programmable microphone keys
Categories: , Tags: , Brands:

Additional information

Frequency Range

Dual band: TX: 134 – 174MHz and 400 – 480MHz
AM/FM RX: 108 – 180MHz, 134-174MHz and 350-520MHz

Channel Capacity

809 Channels

Channel Steps

2.5 / 5 / 6.25 / 10 / 12.5 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 50 KHz

Modes of Emission


Antenna Impedance

50 Ohms, Unbalanced (Antenna Duplexer Built-in)

Frequency Stability

*5ppm@-140ºF ~ +140ºF (-10ºC ~ +60ºC)

Operating Temperature Range

13.8VDC (*15%), Negative Ground

Supply Voltage

-4ºF ~ +140ºF (-20ºC ~ +60ºC)

Current Consumption (Approx.)

RX: 0.5 A (Squelched)
TX: 8.0 (50 / 430MHz), 8.5A (29 / 144MHz)

Case Size (W x H x D)

140 x 41.5 x 168 mm (w/o knobs & connectors)



Output Power

50 / 20 / 10 / 5 W (144 MHz)
40 / 20 / 10 / 5 W (430 MHz)

Modulation Type

Variable Reactance

Maximum Deviation

Better than -60dB (29 MHz: Better than -50dB)

Modulation Distortion

Less than 3%

Microphone Impedance

2 kΩ

Circuit type

Double Conversion super-heterodyne

Intermediate Frequencies

49.95 MHz / 450 KHz (Left band)
38.85 MHz / 450 KHz (Right band)

Sensitivity (for 12dB SINAD)

Better than 0.2 μ V

Squelch Sensitivity

Better than 0.16 μ V


12 KHz / 30 KHz

Maximum AF Output

2 W @ 8 Ω for 5% THD

AF Output Impedance

4 – 6 Ω

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